Empower Your Career Journey: Transform Challenges into Opportunities

Navigate the complexities of the modern workplace with confidence and clarity. Together, we'll unlock the path to a fulfilling career.


With over 15 years of invaluable corporate experience under her belt, Tushara brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her coaching practice. Passionate about guiding individuals through challenging career dilemmas, she thrives on being a supportive and attentive listener, ensuring her clients feel heard and understood. As a former Miss Universe contestant, she understands the importance of confidence and poise in achieving success, and firmly believes in the power of strong leadership to inspire and empower others towards their professional goals.


Career Coaching

Tailored one-on-one sessions focusing on overcoming personal obstacles in the workplace, from toxic environments to leadership challenges. We offer a safe space for you to explore your career aspirations and devise actionable plans to achieve them.

person standing near the stairs
person standing near the stairs

Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Revamp

Your personal brand matters. Elevate your first impressions with professional guidance on your resume, cover letters, and LinkedIn profile, ensuring you stand out in the job market.

Workplace Navigation Coaching

Strategies and support for dealing with poor management, building effective communication skills, and thriving in your current role. Unlock the potential of fulfilling work relationships and a positive work environment.

girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
a woman is reading a resume at a table
a woman is reading a resume at a table


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